17 November 2012

17th of November
48 days gluten free.
That's nearly a lifetime.....
Well I told ye last week that I was back on the anafranil,
 just 10mg and you know what!
I've had a great week.
And if taking one tablet,
 and being gluten free keeps me this good,
and I don't need to be anal about what I eat,
as long as it is gluten free.
Then I'll take that pill....
If you had told me 49 days ago that I would only be taking one pill during the day,
I wouldn't have believed it....
And so my friends.....
 That is progress....
I'm loving my new life.
I am slowly getting on top of all the jobs that had lived on  my proverbial long finger...
procrastination will soon be a thing of the past.
I have so much to get through here on the house.
 Jobs that I had started and never got to finish.
I cant wait to get started on them.
I didn't have any cataplexy this week,
and apart from my 20min nap at lunchtime...
No other EDS!
 This weeks project is going off the ciggies...
I've got my electronic cigarette and was puffing away on that today.....
So cross your fingers everyone....
This is way harder than going off gluten