This blog is my own personal experience, of my trials and tribulations while embarking on a gluten free diet...
I am telling my story, and do not advise anyone to follow suit, or go off their medication.....
Well I've just done my third day and I'm still awake... I haven't taken provigal since Monday morning and I have to say I'm feeling great!! Now I have been very good about not using the phone when I wake up at night so maybe that's helping too.
I was working yesterday and today and was fine driving there and back. I had my nap at lunch time like always but really wasn't tired.
Surely the gluten free thing couldn't be working this quick?? Thankfully there is a good bit of gluten free food in tesco.. Reading the labels is a pain in the arse though, and takes ages so I just done a little yesterday evening..
Dinner is easy as meat and veg and spuds are all GF.. Knor stock pots are too. I got GF pita breads they taste grand and filled them with chicken peppers mushrooms with chilly powder and creme fresh!! Yum!! I have to say its easy so far just takes a bit of planning!!
hello all Ok so the story so far.... Iv been diagnosed with narcolepsy for nearly 10 years now.. im on a fair bit of medication, which i hate, but without it i,m falling around the place like a bad drunk. do medication is my only option!! or so i thought.
Iv been researching and apparently going gluten free has put narcolepsy into remission for some people... wouldn't that be something.. so im going to log my progress and see how it goes.... so as it is i get up weekdays at 8am... ahhhh noooo stop alarm please...... Every morning comes as a complete surprise to me... Anyway i drag my sorry ass out of bed, take my medication. 200mg provigil and 20mg of inafrinal... i weigh myself as putting on weight when you have narcolepsy is one thing we can do well.... ahhhh 176lb, the same for the last 3 weeks... feck it and i was a really good girl, on low GI for the last 5 months at least. Iv lost 20lb, but nothing in the last 3 weeks... at least i didnt go up.... so get daughter out to school for 9am( just about).. Had great intentions of cleaning. taking dog for walk, doing the ironing... Guess what???? Its now 12.12 and iv nothing done.... except 2 cups of coffie drank and eaten an apple, yogurt, and two gluten free rice cakes...Oh and smoked 2 cigarettes.... So Im going to take 200mg more provigil, and 20mg anafrinal..Then have a little nap B4 i pick up daughter at 1.40pm. Then its homework, followed my swimming lessons for my little 6 year old, i might hop on the treadmill for 15 minutes then hit the pool for 3.00 pm.