26 March 2013

Living again....

nearly six months off gluten
Wow folks, I cannot believe how much my life has changed.  Sorry I haven't been on for a while, but in my defence, I have been busy LIVING MY LIFE...
Its hard to believe the difference in my life something as simple as giving up gluten has made.
People ask me all the time, "is it not really hard"?.
The reality is, living with Narcolepsy is hard!
Taking between 600 and 800mg of Provigal everyday for the last ten years was hard.
Taking 40 to 60mg of antidepressants everyday is hard! 
  Being buzzed by the stimulants, and still never fully awake is hard.
Going through life, the ups, the downs, and everything in between, and being numbed, robbed of the emotional highs and lows by the antidepressants is hard.
My god... I,m nearly in tears thinking of all I've lost in the now nearly 11 years since I started medication.
Now don,t get me wrong, I was very glad to have it. I made the most of  the life  I had then, never questioning, or believing things would, or could be better. 
 I felt lucky that I was "controlled".
Maybe I needed that time to appreciate what I have now...
And what do I have now.....
I wake up in the morning sometimes even before my alarm goes off.
I run around like anyone else, and get my daughter to school, and myself to work.
I'm awake for my twenty mile drive to work, and manage to get there pretty much on time.
My boss is gobsmacked!!
I do my days work, and don't tend to drop off cutting a head!!!
Yes I still have a nap at lunchtime in my car, which sets me up for an uneventful afternoon.
Then I've the drive home which I now seem to manage all in one go...
On getting home, I cook dinner, play with Beth, chat to hubby, walk the dogs, do some housework, then sit down and watch some telly.
There is the odd day that I struggle more...
But now those days are the exception rather than the rule!!
Pretty normal eh?
Yip... pretty normal is great...
So let me tell ye, its easy staying off gluten...
And I've even managed to stay low carb too...
For the first time in my adult like i feel, for the most part, in control of food.....
After a lifetime of food controlling me!!!
and thanks everyone for your encouragement
later folks!