04 November 2012

And the dog just ate my gluten free pizza!
That was my X factor party pizza!
Let me tell ye she got a taste of how mad I was...
There I was chasing her out the door with the floor brush, and down I started to go...
Damn cataplexy.....
I didn't go down fully, and boy was I mad.!!
It just goes to prove that this "diet" is working..
Previous to 35 days ago, I would be eating the floor.
Oh and I went off that pesky last antidepressant today....
So we will see how this week goes.....
Hopefully I've finally nailed it... 
I still had my X factor party!!
I had bread rolls in the freezer, so I made Pizza bread, and big flat mushrooms with cheddar cheese and bacon bits.
And a glass or two of vino!!!!
Jeez was X factor sh** though!!!!!
The rest of the week was brilliant though.
I honestly have another two to three hours every day.
 That's like having an extra day every week,
and I still don't have enough hours in the week yet! 
I,m so looking forward to all that's ahead of me.
If even one more person gets the results I have gotten.
If one person gets their life back.
I,ll keep blogging, keep going on, and on, and on about gluten free.
But remember there is either gluten in something,
or there isn't!!!!
Your either gluten free, or your not!!!!
Think about it!!!

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