18 January 2013

how it all began....

110 days gluten free

How it all begain

Narcolepsy......What a strange thing...

People think of narcolepsy as the character in the movie Rat Race, or Deuce Digalow male gigolo, or some equally funny phenomenon......

"Oh ya I seen that on some movie or other"......
hilarious isn't it??????

Yes it is funny at times.

If you have narcolepsy, you really do have to learn to laugh at yourself.....

For me narcolepsy started with EDS (excessive daytime sleepiness),

 I was living in Chicago and burning the candle on both ends!!! to say the very least.

 I was working two jobs, and had the social life of at least two people too.....
So when I'd be nodding off behind the wheel,
I would have done the old, winding down the window, turning up the radio, constantly drinking red bull and or coffee and thinking
"I must go to bed early tonight"

I can vividly remember driving my little VW cabriolet that I called "Seamus", around that beautiful city and having to pull in and shut my eyes for literally two minutes.
Not the safest thing in the world to be doing in any neighbourhood, much less a lot of the neighbourhoods I'd have to drive to, and through showing apartments to clients.

They say you look back with 20/20 vision.
Obviously the "they" that say that do not have narcolepsy!!

It was only by talking to other people with narcolepsy,

that I've begun to realise how much this condition has jumbled my life and my memories.

Memories that I should have, I don't!!!

and yet, I have memories that never actually happened.

Thanks to the old hypnagogic hallucinateations.

So lets start there next time.....


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