05 October 2012

Day five folks...
me and
Beth last Halloween
Well another day over and done...
I was working today, again not a bother.
I swear I feel like a fraud??
Did I really need the provigal?
 How come its been so easy to stop taking it?
How come I feel the same/if not better than if I was on 400mg a day?
It has to be the gluten?
Before this week I would have taken 200mg at 8am, then 200mg at 12pm except on my days off, when, I would have tried to manage on just the morning one. 
 On those days I would have a nap at 1.40pm  after I'd picked my little girl from school, but a lot of times I wouldn't have even lasted that long. 
By maybe 7 o'clock I'd be ready to pan out for the evening!! 
I even ended up going to a meeting last night till about 11 o'clock.
I was working today and I took my nap at 1 o'clock and was grand again for the rest of the day. 
 My boss has even noticed I'm doing better. I haven't told him I'm off one of my pills and gluten.
He said "Jesus Mar your in great ould form this last few days, your flying"
So I guess its going good!
See ye tomorrow!!!


  1. Jeez you gotta start watching when you post these...I'm at work reading it and doing a dance while crying in joy. This is an issue because 1) my office is a glass one and everyone can see me and 2) I'm adding to the show with the crying because I just tripped over my lunch box and smushfaced into the glass.

    You are NOT a fraud...gluten is just THAT jacked up for us narcoleptics.

    I am beyond ecstatic that you are "in great ould form this last few days, your flying" !!!

    1. ahh thanks gina... your a dote..a little looney too though... lol.. i read yur madcap adventures.... brilliant... ill send them on to my people....

    2. Thanks much hon. I'm doing the same for yours!

  2. Is this a blog of when you decided to go off the meds or when you started going gluten free? How long were you gluten free before noticing a difference?

    1. This is a blog of what im doing, and how im doing it...
      im just figuring it out as im going along... im just usually a day behind myself... if you know ehat i mean...
      im usless on computers so i usually write the blog and i cant figure how to share it with the groups im in... daa me....lol. im doing the two together kinda???

  3. So good to see you are hanging in there.
    But never ever doubt the reality. The darkness is real.
    Someday you will do the opposite test. And you will be sure.
    It's not in your head. It's in the bread, darlin.

    1. "It's not in your head. It's in the bread, darlin"
      I like it heidi...lol
      thanks for your support!
