04 October 2012

Beth going for a spin on harry with her cousin
I am hoping I might be the one to teach my little girl to ride.
Wouldn't that be something??

So what are we at here?
 Oh ya day four gluten free

Just had a lovely jubbley roast chicken dinner
Spuds loads of veg, a roast chuck, and even gravy!!
All gluten free of course..
Oh and a cuppa tea and two chocolate biscuits for after..

I has a day off today so got little lady off to school done a heap of ironing, walked the dog bla-bla-bla
No provigal again today just anafrinal for the cataplexy
but I only took 3 instead of four today.
I missed my 1 o clock nap, I just didn't think of it..
By five i needed it though!!
I took half an hour and off I go again..
I'm all done now so i might even sit and watch a bit of TV.
I've had no cataplexy all week either, but maybe nothing was that funny?
 Although did have a right laugh a work yesterday?
I don't know i hate being cynical but you know they say if something seems to good to be true... it usually is!!!
But still so far so good!

Anyway chat soon xx


1 comment:

  1. There were times that it was "too good to be true" for me too. I actually began to doubt that I ever had narcolepsy. I was diagnosed by a neurologist after a day/night study but no dna test. Then when my mom began the diet and had great success I knew I wasn't crazy (mom had the day/night studies too but ALSO had the dna test that showed narcolepsy with catplexy).

    To this day I am astonished at how simple the recovery has been in comparison with the depth of struggle all those years before.

    I'm so proud for you. My favorite part of this post is when you say "I missed my 1 o clock nap, I just didn't think of it..." All those years of thinking about nothing but sleep...it is so NICE to be able to focus on something else. Sigh. :)
